Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chapter 9: Visualizing w/ Technologies

          Digital Storytelling is a tool used to create a story. Students can use their creative skills to create a storyboard on paper, use a camera to shoot their video, and also edit their videos on a computer using different types of software. Students develop critical thinking skills as well as learning how to work collaboratively in different roles such as director, actor, videographer, and editor. The way Digital Storytelling works is in preproduction, students will research, write and organize information about the structure of their story. An important part of preproduction is storyboarding. It is a document that provides students the opportunity to create a plan for their story from which they can start filming. After preproduction, students will start the actual production of the story. This is where the students will actually shoot their video. The final stage is postproduction. This is where the editing takes place. Through all these stages, students learn how to put together a story using technology. The technology is not the focus of the lesson but merely an instrument to help aid in the lesson. There are so many different aspects of learning with Digital Storytelling it’s endless. It is an awesome application to implement to the classroom!
          A few different methods suggested in the textbook are programs such as Mathematica, Math Lab, Statistical Analysis System, and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. These apps can help students manipulate problems and see the effects of it. They are very helpful in learning the dynamics of mathematics; putting things into perspective to understand the effects.
          I do think it is possible to learn from TV alone and learn how to do something as well. There are so many different channels now days that people can subscribe to that aid in learning. Not only that but channels such as Animal Planet and Discovery channel, and different channels like that that aid in learning about animals and the earth that we all live on and evolution. These are all important things that go into detail that people may not get to pick up in the classroom or anywhere else. Not everything is meaningful or educational but there is some that I feel is very meaningful!        

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful learning With Technology (3rd Edition). Columbus, OH: Pearson/Prentice Hall.


  1. I can agree with you about Animal Planet and Discovery channel. They do teach you a lot about nature. However, I do not agree that is completely possible to learn from a TV program. I believe that you have to involved or engaged in one way or another to actually understand the material. For example, Animal Planet can tell you that birds push their babies out of the nest, but how will know for certain that that is true? You would have to do a little research to be fully certain you understand that they do it, and why they do it. But you do make a good point that some programs that are meaningful. I love Animal Planet and Discovery channels. :)

  2. I agree tv can be able the good, the bad, and the what was I thinking when I started watching this. You can learn from tv you just need to know what is true and what is not.
