Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wikis,Social Bookmarking, and VoiceThread

 The whole idea of using a wiki is a little much for me. I think that the concept behind them are great in some instances but really I dont see that I would be that interested in using or constructing one. The idea that I like is that kids can really brainstorm and be creative in putting a bunch of different ideas together in a program but the thing that im skeptical of is that everyone can see the material and post on it and you never know what is true and accurate so I wouldnt necessarily want my students reading stuff that might not be true or correct. I think blogs would be fun. I can definitely see myself teaching my students first how to build a blog and from then on making them do certain research assignments and posting on their blogs.. It would be fun.. Of course this would be for high school level. I would need to learn a little bit more about wikis before really deciding if I would use them or not.
Socialbookmarking is a good idea for teachers and students. Being able to access certain sites that you can set up as a personal link is a great idea. These bookmarking websites can help users store and organize bookmarks to online resources. You can also access your bookmarks from any computer which is great! Voice threads are pretty neat. I think I would definitely be interested in using voice thread if I was teaching high school students. I think you would need to have the older students to really be able to understand the whole process. Voice thread would just be something new to add to the curriculum that would make things different and fun.
I think Tapped In is a wonderful idea. I think the way it engages teachers from all around to kind of work together and get information and ideas from each other is a great idea. It is a way that teachers can become part of communities, knowledge building, and of learners.(Meaningful Learning with Technology) There are so many great things that Tapped In can offer; its endless. I have not explored it but from what I have read in the book, it seems like something I would be very interested in.

Reference: 1995-2010
Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
SRI International.

1 comment:

  1. I think its important to allow your students to see the untrue stuff and compare it to actual fact so they can see where it's wrong. It'll help them to be a little bit more worldly. Blogging is an excellent source for everyone to post their opinions about everything, it's especially a great source for a teacher to post about techniques or something they think might be useful to their students.
